什么是essay? 英语作文写作元素,essay的结构布局




Essay,翻译成论文、散文、随笔?似乎都不准确。剑桥词典(Cambridge Dictionary)里essay的释义:一份针对特定主题的文章(a short piece of writing on a particular subject)。换言之,一篇essay是围绕一个特定主题的一系列段落(a series of paragraphs about one subject)。




文章标题(Title:gives a hint about the essay’s topic)

导入语 (Introductory paragraph:introduces the essay’s topic and contains the thesis statement)

中心句 (Thesis statement:contains the essay’s topic and its controlling idea)

主体段落 (Body paragraphs:each has a topic sentence and contains details that support the thesis statement)

总结语(Concluding paragraph:brings the essay to a satisfactory close)



文章标题居中摆放。标题的第一个字母、每个主要单词的第一个字母,除了介词(in, at, fot, to, etc.)和冠词(a, an, the)。

描述性标题(Descriptive Titles)是学术essay写作最常见的类型,简明清晰。


The Importance of Multiculturalism in a Democratic Society


Why Mothers and Fathers Should Take Parenting Seriously



Illustration: The Problems with Elections

Narration: My Visit to Las Vegas

Description: Graduation Day

Process: How to Dress for an Interview

Definition: What It Means to Be Brave

Classification: Three Types of Hackers

Comparison and Contrast: Fast Food Versus Gourmet Food

Cause and Effect: Why People Enter Beauty Pageants

Argument: Barbie Should Have a New Look

  导入语Introductory paragraph

通常essay正文第一段落是导入语,即开场白,介绍essay的主题,包括中心句,目的在于吸引读者的注意力和兴趣,促使读者产生继续读下去的愿望,比如可以采用 名人名言引用、提问、令人惊讶或刺激性的言论、讲故事,给出定义等方式 来开头。通常导入语段落的最后一句是文章的中心句。

  中心句Thesis statement




1、表达整篇文章要阐述的议题(It expresses the main topic of the essay).

2、包含论点(It contains a controlling idea).

3、完整句子,往往出现在导入语段落之中(It is a complete sentence that usually appears in the essay’s introductory paragraph)。

topic controlling idea

Marriagehas lost its importance for many young people in our society.


过于宽泛: There are many museums in the world.

合适:Washington’s Spy Museum contains fascinating artifacts related to the secret world of espionage.


不是完整句: Gambling problems.

合适:A lottery win will not necessarily lead to happiness.


有些模糊: My first job taught me many things.

明确清晰: My first job taught me about responsibility, organization, and the importance of teamwork.

  主体段落Body paragraphs


  总结语Concluding paragraph

文章的最后是用于结尾的总结段落。用完全不同的词语和句子结构,重新强调下文章中心句的思想。为了使得文章结尾与众不同,给读者留下有趣或较深刻的印象,可以使用 建议、号召、引用、希望 等方式。




Introductory paragraph

—Hook/Introduction Sentences

—Thesis Statement(topic1+topic2+topic3)

Body Paragraph 1

—Topic sentence

-Subtopic1 with details and examples

-Subtopic2 with details and examples

-Subtopic3 with details and examples

—Concluding sentence

Body Paragraph 2

—Topic sentence

-Subtopic1 with details and examples

-Subtopic2 with details and examples

-Subtopic3 with details and examples

—Concluding sentence

Body Paragraph 3

—Topic sentence

-Subtopic1 with details and examples

-Subtopic2 with details and examples

-Subtopic3 with details and examples

—Concluding sentence

Concluding paragraph

—Restate the thesis statement

—Final thought, predictions,solutions, recommendations


  Causes of Car Accidents

  For many people, driving a vehicle is an everyday activity. People rely on their cars to get to work, school, and other important places. However, driving can be dangerous, and although weather conditions and car malfunctions can contribute to accidents, the behaviour of drivers is most often the cause of accidents. The three main causes of car accidents are poorly trained drivers, distracted drivers, and impaired drivers.

One cause of car accidents is poorly trained drivers. Drivers who don’t follow the rules of the road can be putting themselves and others at risk. For example, drivers who exceed the speed limit will have a more difficult time stopping or turning if something, such as an animal, crosses their path. In addition, there are road signs that drivers need to recognize, understand, and obey. Other drivers cannot tell how people who do not obey road signs will drive, and this unpredictability can lead to accidents. Finally, not checking blind spots and not being aware of one’s surroundings can result in a collision. A driver who is not aware of what is around his or her vehicle may crash into other cars or objects, not realizing they are there. For these reasons, poorly trained drivers can cause accidents.

Distracted drivers are another cause of car accidents. Driving is a task that requires the driver’s full attention, so performing other tasks while driving can lead to an accident. For example, people who talk on their cell phone while driving are limiting their abilities, since talking on a cell phone often requires the use of one hand and takes some concentration. Cell phones are not the only distraction; drivers will often work on laptops, put on makeup, and do other activities. If a driver is doing these things, he or she is not focused on the road. The driver then may, for example, not notice if a car has stopped in front of him or her and collide with that car. Drivers should wait until they have reached their destination to perform other tasks, as such activities often lead to accidents.

A final cause of car accidents is impaired drivers. Drinking and driving is something that is obviously dangerous. A driver’s ability to drive a car is seriously lessened when he or she is under the influence of alcohol, and many accidents have been caused by people who were drunk driving. Driving while under the influence of drugs is also dangerous. Often illegal drugs impair a driver as much as alcohol. For example, drugs such as LSD can cause visual hallucinations, and drivers may swerve recklessly to avoid yellow dancing rabbits. Even legal drugs, like medications, should be used with caution if the user is going to be driving. Some of these drugs can make the user drowsy, and this state will slow the driver’s reaction time to things happening. All of these influences can certainly lead to car accidents.

In conclusion, driving is difficult, and drivers have a responsibility to drive with great care and attention. An inability to do so can result in a car accident. Accidents are caused by many things; however, three of the most significant causes are poorly trained drivers, distracted drivers, and impaired drivers. As long as these types of drivers remain on the road, accidents will happen.



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