什么是Proofreading?Essay Proofreading三连,你get了吗

Essay Proofreading

What is proofreading?

Proofreading is when you or someone else carefully and slowly reads through an essay or document to find any errors or to make sure your meaning is clear. It’s very simple, and oh so important. It’s totally different from asking others help you to write your essay, in fact, it is acceptable by your professors and a good choice for you to help your professors understand what your ideas are. So, DON’T worry about using proofreading services from our native English speakers.

  Proofreading 是啥?

Proofreading 就是你自己或其他人帮你仔细的通读论文或其他文件,从而让你找出并修正错误,让你所希望表达的内容或者含义对于他人都是清晰易懂的。Proofreading说起来容易,但其实又是非常重要的一个东西。同时,Proofreading 和让他人帮助你代写论文或其他文件是完成不同的。Proofreading是教授或者您的老师都可以接受的,因为所有想表达的想法都来源于你,Proofreading只重在帮助他们可以更好的理解和明白你想要表达的内容。总之,使用由 native English spearks 提供的 Proofreading服务是百分百“合法的”哦~

Why is proofreading important?

This is a common question and the answer is pretty straightforward. Finding and correcting errors is important because: 1)your professor will take away points for any errors they find even if you have a lot of good ideas, or 2)your application will not be looked at favorably because the school or business will think you are not careful with your work.


显而易见,是的。因为如果你自己文章中存在错误,且不修正的话,那么:1)即使有很多超棒的想法,论文也会因为英文表达而丢分,或者 2)留学申请不被他人认可,因为阅读者会因为申请中所存在的错误,认为你并不在意所申请的学校或工作。

How do you do proofreading?

Well, as I said above it’s when you or someone else slowly and carefully reads through searching for errors or bad logic. For most things, it is easy and people can do it themselves. But for something important, like an essay for school or a job application, even native English speakers prefer to have a professional look at it.


如上所述,proofreading就是通过仔细和慢速的通读全文,来修正错误或者逻辑性欠缺的比到达。一般,大多数人会自己或家人朋友来帮忙他们进行Proofreading。但对于一些重要文件,例如学校论文或者工作申请,即使是当地的外国人,也会付费请专业人士或相关公司,来为其提供Proofreading的服务。而我们东方代写就是专业提供留学生论文修改润色服务,1v1原创互动编辑,双重审议模式,互动精修,语法逻辑连贯无误,确保更具native speaker风格,欢迎联系网站客服提交Essay proofreading要求。



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